Samovar Yaroslav Rassadina design and Sergei Mozheiko

Life goes on as usual, and traditional forms of familiar objects over time, begin to seem somewhat outdated. At the very least, attempts to create for them a more modern design are of interest. In 2008. Russian designers Jaroslav Rassadin and Sergey decided to develop a concept Mozheiko modern coal samovar at short and sonorous name «Sam». Let's see what came of it. The futuristic design of the samovar running on solid fuel (wood, coal) and has a high efficiency (70%). Double hull, designed on the principle of a thermos, has excellent thermal insulation, which reduces fuel consumption and makes the device more secure. On the outer side of his body can not burn. What's more - it can even be finished with decorative materials. For example, wood or leather. And insulated housing allows heated water for a long time to maintain adequate temperature for making tea. Ovoid body samovar «Sam» is equipped with valve for draining water, four legs, and two comfortable handles for carrying. The volume of the samovar is twenty-five liters. This clearly alludes to the use of this device for organizing tea parties with a large number of participants. Perhaps it is useful to scientists in the field expeditions? Stylish and conceptual imagination is not left without attention from the professional design community. Proceedings of the «Sam» appeared in many national and international publications and the Internet - portals dedicated to design. In the famous international design competition RedDot Award / Design Concept Project «Sam» became one of the winners. However, prior to its manufacturing business has not reached yet, but who knows? It may be time for «Sam» just has not come yet.