The device of the samovar
How do I put the samovar?
Scheduled work, which recommended the plant samovars. Put the samovar, that is, prepare it for work and melt it - the action that is usual for the mistress of the XIX century - now seems a mysterious ritual. Here's how to "put" a samovar:
- -  shake out the ashes and ash left over from previous use;
- -  pour water into the body of the samovar;
- -  Close the samovar with a lid;
- -  Put fuel in the pipe-brazier;
- -  set it on fire with a long splinter;
- -  put on the exhaust pipe, connecting it with the chimney heater;
- -  after boiling water, remove the pipe and put the plug on the brazier - the air movement stops inside and the coals go out.
Birch bark, representing the ideal rostopochny material.
Immediately fall asleep part of the charcoal and put on the connecting pipe, connected to the chimney of the furnace. The oven should be open, otherwise there will be no traction and the samovar will not be inflamed, recommended at the samovar plant.
In old movies one can see how to use a leather boot with a soft boot, corrugated, like a harmonica bell, for lighting a samovar. Acting like a fur with a boot, they create an intensive movement of air, causing coal to burn out. In practice, boots are taken in exceptional cases.
As soon as the first portion is inflamed, add the rest of the coal. After the boiling of water, the pipe is removed, and intense burning stops. The samovar is delivered to the dining table, where it is placed on a tin, copper or brass tray.
From time to time the furnace of the samovar needs to be cleaned. In most cases, there is a small hatch in the lower part. Through it, remove the remains of ash and small coals, and the bulk of their shake out, just turning the samovar upside down. If the samovar is heated with coal, resin and soot do not settle on the walls of the furnace, and if the main fuel is a tree, the soot should be regularly scraped off with a hard brush.
"Self-Vessel Vessels"
In the thirties of the 18th century, the first Russian silver teapots appeared to brew tea. Since the second half of the XVIII century, as the spread of tea, begins the manufacture of copper and brass kettles. The same time, a number of teapots-samovars and samovars-kitchens intended for cooking are dated. From the metal utensils of that time - teapots, bowls and broth - they are distinguished only by the structural details hidden inside the vessel in the form of a brazier, a pipe and an ash-pit. Such an assembly was rightly called a "samovar", because it allowed, without melting the Russian oven, without much trouble
Quickly cook porridge, cabbage soup, soup, get boiling water and save it. The very first types of Russian samovars are "heating" teapots and "kitchens". Subsequently, the name "samovar" entrenched behind the unit, intended only for making boiling water and brewing tea. Its high popularity was explained by the ease of use and care-it did not have to be washed after each use, and it was possible to heat the most diverse cheap and affordable fuel.