/ What is a samovar page 16

The device of the samovar

The coffee samovars were cylindrical vessels, the lower part of the body was decorated with a figured grid (holes for air flow), a crane with a figured repeak, and a removable frame was hung on the pipe-brazier, to which a canvas bag for ground coffee beans was hung. Later, at the end of the 19th century, the coffee samovar did not differ from the usual antiquarian samovar, but the frame for the bag inside remained unchanged. Often it was possible to meet a "hybrid" of a samovar-kettle and a samovar-coffee pot: they had a pitcher-pipe, a plate in the form of a figure-eight was placed on the top of the jug. One ring of this eight was put on the pipe, and bags of coffee were hung on the second ring. To make tea, the plate was removed, and antique samovars were used in their usual role. Even in the forties of the XIX century contemporaries unanimously noted that coffee was preferred in St. Petersburg, and samovars-coffee pots were mainly produced in St. Petersburg, at the factory of Fedor Zolotarev, for example. The St. Petersburg coffee pots lacked the usual pipe-brazier. It was replaced by metal boxes with coals placed in the base. And inside the body was inserted a metal vessel for coffee-mixer. At the end of the XIX century the coffee pots changed somewhat. Instead of a charcoal box at the bottom of the steel, an alcohol burner should be installed. It heated the body in the form of a cylinder (or other shape) on high legs, sometimes it was hung on hooks to a vertical frame. Inside the hull was also placed a removable vessel with mesh walls (for ground coffee beans), in front - a tap for pouring a ready-made drink, on top - a lid of durable thick glass. In such coffee pots it was possible to prepare coffee even in the living room, on the table in the presence of the guests, demonstrating their abilities as mistresses and cooks - the glass cover allowed to monitor the cooking process and turn off the fire in time to prevent coffee from escaping. Moreover, when burning alcohol, there were no unpleasant moments - no smell, no soot, no smoke. Even secular ladies did not hesitate to make coffee in such coffee pots, fascinating fans with their home-like appearance.


Close to the samovar devices were the so-called bullets (from the French Bouillotte - a small teapot, a hot-water bottle). It was a vessel with a crane on a stand with a spirit lamp. There was no brazier in it. The water was usually served hot, and with the help of a burning spirit-lamp in the container the necessary temperature was maintained, so that the guests would not languish waiting for the samovar to boil again. The boils allowed to boil about 1 liter of water for tea, it could also be done at the front desk in the room. Great distribution of the bouquets did not have, except, perhaps, St. Petersburg, where in many secular homes, tea was treated specifically from the broocade.

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