/ New about the manufacturers of Batashevs

New about the manufacturers of Batashevs

As soon as in December the fascists were driven away from Tula, the reconstruction of the weapons factory began. The work was going on at a rapid pace. And if in February 1942 the factory produced 1080 rifles, then in March it was 3430, and in April, when the work was already strictly scheduled, over 5,000 rifles came off the assembly line!

The armourers not only selflessly worked, but also bravely fought on various fronts of the war. More than two thousand workers and employees went to the front, 27 of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union, three full knights of the Order of Glory.

Not only is the ancient and glorious arms factory covered with fame famous for our city.

In 1961 the plant "Arsenal" works, the history of which goes back to the Petrine factory.

At the end of the 19th century, the "Stamp" plant grew from the Batashevs' samovar factory, from which, in turn, the cartridge factory started.

So closely intertwined the history of our enterprises, the history of people to the city.

Centuries have formed a special character, a special attitude to work. In the city, dozens of research institutes and design bureaus of the defense industry were created, closely related to production. The skill of gunsmiths, and not only those who worked at the old, Petrine factory, but also at other enterprises of Tula, has grown qualitatively, enriched with modern scientific thought.

Few of them survived in the current difficult conditions, which were often due to a hasty and ill-considered conversion.

In the design bureau of instrument-making are engaged in the problems of precision and rifle-cannon weapons, anti-aircraft weapons.

The Russian army is well known anti-tank complexes "Fagot", "Metis", "Competition". Now there is a new third generation - "Cornet", artillery complex "Krasnopolye", as well as "Kastet", "Bastion", "Svir".

To date, all modern Russian aircraft are armed with guns developed in the PCU.

His team enters the international market of the gun confidently.

Well proven systems of volley fire "Grad". "Hurricane" and "Smerch", produced by NPO "Splav".

They make their significant contribution to the strengthening of the country's defense capability and Tulamashzavod JSC.

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