All this led to the fact that by the end of November the Bolsheviks had received a majority in the Tula Soviet. For the first time the Council adopted a Bolshevik resolution on the food issue. A few days later, during the discussion of the next food issue in the Council, N. N. Kaminsky proposed to dissolve the provincial food committee, which does not follow the decisions of the Council of People's Commissars, to create a new, and power in Tula and the province to take the Tula Workers' and Soldiers' deputies. The proposal for power was put to the vote by AI Kaul, who presided over the meeting. Right-wing Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks defiantly left the room. In their absence, the Plenum of the Council on this day, December 7, unanimously adopted a resolution: "The Tula Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies from now on takes all power in its hands both in the city of Tula and in the whole province ..." On the same day A telegram about this was sent to the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party. Thus began a new history of the ancient city of gunsmiths.

The history of Tula Soviet, strictly speaking, is not my specialty. But what historian can be closed within the framework of "from" and "before"? Moreover, the latest history of Tula is full of such dramatic collisions, conflicts, twists and turns, such a sharp class struggle that it is simply impossible to pass indifferently past it. It now seems at times very simple: the revolution won, and then everything was clear, only forward, only higher. And in fact?
In fact, the new, socialist history of Tula began hard. The Tula Council and its Military Revolutionary Committee already in the first days of Soviet power had to curb the intrigues of the counter-revolution with an iron hand. The plans of the Socialist-Revolutionary Menshevik leaders to organize a strike of employees of city institutions, to create, as a counterweight to the Council, their own gubernatorial authority, a conspiracy of reactionary officers and junkers who had the intention to disarm the Red Guard and defeat the Soviet, and the sabotage on the railway were broken.
Fierce resistance was met by the Tula Bolsheviks in the counties, but, having overcome it, established Soviet power throughout the province. The 1st Provincial Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies held on March 10-11, 1918, consolidated this victory with its decisions.
The creation of new government bodies, the nationalization and establishment of the work of enterprises, financial institutions, a severe struggle against the kulaks for bread for the proletarians of Tula, Moscow, Petrograd, a struggle in which many communist workers gave their lives, including the first provincial food inspector F.M. Bundurin, - to resolve these and a huge number of other urgent tasks, hardened Bolshevik cadres were required. But they were not enough.
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