August. The Tula Bolsheviks, hearing the report of G. N. Kaminsky, who participated in the work of the Sixth Congress of the RSDLP, approved the course of the party for an armed insurrection, which was adopted after the brutal shooting of the July demonstration in Petrograd, the repression of the Bolsheviks and the virtual end of the period of dual power and the peaceful development of the revolution.
September October. The aggravation of the struggle for the re-election of the Menshevik-Socialist-Revolutionary Council in Tula. The Bolshevik faction in it increased from 45 to 109 deputies, but still was a minority. Detachments of the Red Guard were created. October 25 - the overthrow of the Provisional Government, the transfer of power to the Soviets. The second All-Russian Congress of Soviets, which consolidated this victory, was attended by four delegates from Tula, of whom two were Bolsheviks.
On the night of October 27, at the emergency meeting of the Bolshevik activists at the Tula City Committee of the RSDLP (b), the Military Revolutionary Committee was elected, which included G. N. Kaminsky, D. G. Prokudin, F. M. Bundurin, M. F. Shkiryatov, A. Kaptsinel. Having established control over the arsenal, the Military Revolutionary Committee provided active assistance to the weapons of the Moscow revolutionary workers. On October 31, a large batch of machine guns and other weapons were sent to Moscow on the cars sent from there.
November December. The tension of the struggle for power in the city has reached its limit. In November, Soviet power was firmly established in Petrograd, Moscow, and many other centers of the country. And in Tula, the situation is paradoxical. The official bearers of power were the Provincial Executive Committee and the City Duma, the bodies of the overthrown Provisional Government. Having the majority in the Tula Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries at the same time did not recognize the already functioning Soviet government and its decrees.
With the participation of B. Maksimovsky, sent from Moscow and co-opted into the Tula Bolshevik Military Revolutionary Committee, the Tula Bolsheviks launched a decisive struggle to attract the masses to their side, to win a majority in the Soviets, and to transfer full power to them. In mid-November, the Bolsheviks secured the introduction of the election of commanders in military Parts. This was a blow to the counterrevolutionary officers, the Mensheviks and the Socialist-Revolutionaries, who fiercely opposed this. The re-elections at the end of November of the Soviets of Soldiers' Deputies, regimental and company committees showed that the Bolsheviks had reached decisive influence in them.
The propaganda work of the Bolsheviks in connection with the upcoming elections to the Constituent Assembly also had its effect. As a result of the election, the Bolsheviks collected almost 220,000 votes, 3,000 more than the Socialist-Revolutionaries. According to the Bolshevik list, GN Kaminsky, AI Kaul, SS Kolesnikov were elected to the Constituent Assembly. The positions of the Bolsheviks increased in a number of guild and factory committees, although the domination of the Mensheviks could not be eliminated. The authority of the Tula organization of the RSDLP in the working masses grew rapidly.