New about the manufacturers of Batashevs
January 9 (the shooting of workers in St. Petersburg) added fuel into the fire. The existing excitement among the Tula workers (the Bajtsurov strike also played a certain role in the aggravation of the general mood) after January 9th was even more up.
There is accurate evidence that even in the Armory, at this very patriarchal and slow-moving with respect to the workable factory, among the weapons-making workers it was so restless that troops were summoned there by order of the provincial government on January 15th.
But the highest wave of labor excitement after January 9 rose at the Cartridge Plant. The cartridge factory on January 22 struck. This strike was directly prepared for about 2 weeks.
January 22 at 7 o'clock. In the morning the workers of the Cartridge Factory came to the plant and at first began to work in the usual way, but about 8 o'clock. In the morning in some workshops of the main building (first of all in the 1st Mechanical Workshop) the work was immediately stopped. Most of the workers went home, and the smaller went to another building, called the Brass Factory, where they forcibly stopped work, after which almost all the workers went home, rather than a large group for some time conferring about the plant, and then also dispersed.
At this time among the workers went to hand the sheets with the requirements.
After 2 o'clock in the afternoon, 30 commissioners from all the strikers came to the office of the plant, who in the amount of 2,000 people remained at the plant all the time waiting for the results of the negotiations, without disturbing the order.
At the end of the talks, at about 6 pm Koch (a member of the Plant's Management Board) went out to the workers and briefly announced to them what could be done for them, and offered to start work on Monday. Workers went home.
On the morning of January 24, all workers came to the plant, but only the Brass Factory started work, which, however, at 8 am also stopped.
In the main building, the workers' delegates continued to negotiate with the directors and about 10 am. In the morning came, finally, to the final agreement and the plant posted ads with the administration's response. At 12 o'clock in the afternoon I was served by factory prayer and most of the workers began to work.
A total of 4155 people were striking at the Cartridge Plant. (3440 HUSBAND. and 715 women.).