/ New about the manufacturers of Batashevs

New about the manufacturers of Batashevs

The strike made a big stir in the city: in Chulkov during the strike the shops were closed and small ones did not work Workshops and factories.

The main head of the strike was Mikhail Zharikov.

What are the immediate reasons and circumstances that affected 4155 workers of the Cartridge and Brass factories?

First of all, the economic situation of the workers was difficult. Wages were low. The people received 60 kopecks. in a day. Rollers, working in unbearable heat, received 80 kopeks a day. Female workers did not receive more than 30-35 hours a day. The average salary of the chamber was not higher than 17-25 rubles. per month.

There are also reasons why it was at the Cartridge Plant in January 1905 that a wide strike wave spread.

Until 1904, the Patron Plant employed up to 1500 workers, and in 1904, in connection with the Japanese war, there were already 4000 workers, with the number of workers reaching even 6200 people. With the urgency of recruiting workers, their reception was made indiscriminately, without any political diligence, thanks to which the factory had many revolutionary-minded workers.

The second is that the Cartridge Plant took an urgent order from the military department, so that any strike could violate the terms of the contract with him, adversely affecting the financial affairs of the plant.

Hence the great courage to the actions of the workers, who among others also well understood that at the end of the war there would be a reduction in production, and therefore they considered themselves at work relatively, temporarily..

The fact that the strike was organized and was well prepared, depended, among other things, on the composition of the workers of the Cartridge Factory, mainly a large percentage of the outgoing workers other cities).

The social composition of the Patron Factory workers is very interesting.

Let's take separate workshops. In the 1st Mechanical Workshop (where, it can be said, the very strike was born) workers in social composition were distributed as follows: peasants-62 percent, newcomers-19 percent. And local workers-19 percent.

According to the Topographic Workshop: peasants-46 percent, foreign workers-481/2 percent. And local workers - 5 '/ 2 percent.

As for the general figures for the plant, then, according to the data of 9 peasant farmers, there were 61 per cent of workers, 15.4 per cent of newcomers. And local - 23.6 percent.

The peasantry of the workers was least interested in the work, in view of the existence of a connection with the land - therefore the peasants, although they were generally passive, but felt themselves more freely than local workers.

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