/ New about the manufacturers of Batashevs

New about the manufacturers of Batashevs

Of great importance were the outgoing workers (15.4 percent). They were the main fermenters at the plant. They served as a cement uniting the workers of the entire plant. Local workers were with them, without doubt, on occasion.

This is the fate of the Tula labor movement, in which (for a number of historical reasons), the first role of organizers and instigators, from the 70s of the last century, was played by Varangians from the revolution (visitors from other cities).

Finally, the last reason why the Cartridge Factory struck so large and unanimously was the fearful behavior of the factory administration, which had been negotiating with the workers for several days (before the strike) and was gradually making concessions, thus opening up new opportunities for workers' demands each time.

Of course, what was already said, a strong impetus for the strike of the chamber chambers and for giving it the most political coloring (the requirement to celebrate May 1) was the St. Petersburg event on January 9.

The consequences of the strike of the chamber are enormous.

Kazyutsky life, the royal silence and the smooth surface in Tula swayed like never.

The history of his thumb on January 22, 1905, marked the line behind which the new page of the living worker of Tula began and behind which the squall of the 1905 revolution first began

The strike of the chamber chambers on wide practice taught the Tula workers a strike. Before it, many workers did not know what the very word is a strike.

Delegates were sent to the gunsmiths and Baytsurovtsy to the cartridges. But they did not support the chamber.

Then, a few days later, only Samarin's samovar factory and Batashev's samovar factory (January 26, 1905) struck.

The last strike was unsuccessful for the workers.

Этими событиями заканчивается в Туле январь 1905 г.

It is one of the most interesting and historic achievements of the January strike that the establishment of a permanent institution of delegates from the workers (at the Cartridge Plant), with which the administration was to speak in each conflict with the workers, and who (odelets) had to protect their labor interests in the factory routine.

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