New about the manufacturers of Batashevs
As indicated by the gendarmerie, the strike arose under the influence of Mikhail Zharikov, the head of the January strike at the Cartridge Plant.
Thus ended the May Day holiday in 1905 in Tula. The growing wave of the revolution did not come out on the first of May on the day of the banks and did not strike with all its might over the autocracy, but the wave rose, it already portended the storm.
Так закончился первомайский праздник 1905 г. в Туле. Наростающая волна революции не вышла в день первого мая из берегов и не ударила со всей силой по самодержавию, но все-таки волна поднялась, она уже предвещала бурю.
Almost silently stood on this day against each other sworn enemies: the autocracy and the working class.
The first of May 1905 is an outstanding holiday, when there was especially a lot of tension in the working class for the struggle.
Chronicle of the Tula events of 1905 *)
January. Strike at the Bytsurovsky factory. - ,, - The first strike at the Cartridge Plant (successful). July. The second strike at the Cartridge Plant (unsuccessful). - "- Trouble in the Armory factory (partial strike).
The first half of the agrarian riots in the Viennese district.
For October.
5 October. Strike of tyrants of printing house Sirotkin (in Tula).
8 October. Strike of railway workers in Bellevue. 10 October. Strike in Tula workers and employees of the Moscow-Kursk Railway. E.
The second pole-agrarian riots in Bogoroditsky district. Wines of October.
October 21. The Black-Hundred pogrom (the clash of the Black Hundred with the revolutionaries at the corner of the Ambassadorial (now Soviet) and Kiev (now Kommunarov) Ubitu Street is over 40, and wounded up to 100 people.
The first is the agrarian riots in Kashira uyezd.
Wines of November.
Nov. 1. The strike w. Technical school
November 2 Strike of workers of the copper-foundry Davydova. It was joined by workers from other foundries in Zarechye. 18 companies are on strike.