/ New about the manufacturers of Batashevs

New about the manufacturers of Batashevs

When, on December 7, the Bolsheviks, when discussing the food question in the Council, faced the Council with a rib on the question of the transfer of all power to the Soviets, this important question for Tula failed, as it was during the last month, and the Council, by a majority of about 150 V. 100, adopted a resolution of the Bolsheviks.

Thus, on December 7, 1917, Tula was proclaimed Soviet authority.

The Council was singled out by the Revolutionary Committee, which included the following. Kaminski Kaul, Kaptsinel, Kremnev (anarchist), Kurenkov, Maksimovsky (died), Prokudin, Bundurin (killed), Shkiryatov (working in Moscow, at the Central Control Commission) and Drobyshev (left-wing).

The Mensheviks in their newspapers "The Voice of the People" and "Land and Will" raised rabid persecution against the Revolutionary Committee, demanding the re-election of the Council.

Blind politicians! -They did not see that the Soviet authorities had a great future, that it was not a bunch of invaders, but that this working class had become the head of state.

The Tula Bolsheviks received their political mandate, mandate on power from the hands of the majority of working people of Tula.

This is not an allegation, but it is a fact. Let us take the results of the elections to the Constituent Assembly for Tula.

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