New about the manufacturers of Batashevs
Even during the elections to the city duma, the Bolsheviks did not have a wide influence on the masses; Thus, the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries in the City Duma (in the year of 1917) received 85 seats, the Cadets 7 seats and the Bolsheviks 5 seats, i.e. Bolsheviks took 3rd place.
Но уже при выборах в Учредительное Собрание положение
But already at the elections to the Constituent Assembly the provision deeply changed. Tula adhered to the Bolsheviks and the last in the elections to the Constituent Assembly in Tula got the first place.
The Bolsheviks received 12,058 votes.
The Cadets received 8.297 votes.
Mensheviks 4-998 votes,
All other parties together received 10,065 votes.
Hence we see that the Bolsheviks in Tula seized power not accidentally, not without the support of the broad working masses.
This support is visible from the results of the election to the Constituent Assembly.
The counter-revolutionary ideas of the Mensheviks were in vain. The old bell ringer rang. Now, no one Menshevik ringing does not believe.
If even today the enemies of the working people continue to build against the Soviet power, then this is not terrible. Let them swear abroad. Let them hiss, bark out of the gateway abroad, they do all this for their own self-enjoyment ...
And the Soviet government is getting stronger.