At the same time, in October-November, decisive battles took place on the Southern Front. Many parts, formed in Tula, took the most direct and active part in them. The Red Army was advancing decisively and successfully. Defeat Denikin was a foregone conclusion.
And another important task was selflessly solved by the Tula during the civil war - this is help to the Republic in overcoming the food crisis. Thousands of wagons of food, harvested in the counties of the province, were sent to Moscow, Petrograd, and other industrial centers. A vivid example was the work on the fulfillment of the assignment of VI Lenin, expressed in a letter to the Tula Party and the Provincial Executive Committee on December 21, 1919. "I know," wrote Vladimir Ilyich, "that the Tula workers ... showed excellent procuring activity. It is necessary to expand this work and deepen it. Tula workers must come to the rescue Moscow. In this hungry time, critical for Moscow, it is necessary to consolidate the union of the Tula and Moscow workers. Organize a quick help red Tula red Moscow. In ten days, the province must give Moscow at least four hundred potato wagons. "
The Tula sponge of the RCP (B.) Adopted an appeal to all Party organizations and Party members calling for unconditionally to fulfill the task of the leader. The Gubernia Executive Committee in its decision announced a potato two-day campaign throughout the Tula province. All the forces were thrown on the fastest solution to the problem. And in January 1920, the pre-Gubernia Committee, N. N. Kaminsky, reported to Lenin: "We are pleased to report that your outfit of 400 wagons of potatoes has been completely executed by the Moscow workers. In the 10-day period, more than 460 wagons were actually delivered to Moscow. By January 6, Moscow shipped 580 wagons. "
The revolution survived and won the armed battle with the enemies of all stripes. But now the Soviet Republic was opposed by another enemy - devastation. In the Tula province, more than half of the large enterprises did not work, the smelting of pig iron was practically reduced to nothing, the extraction of iron ore altogether ceased. The population was threatened with unemployment and hunger, and the economy - the fuel crisis.
But, despite the fact that the Tula organization, like the whole party, had to conduct a principled inner-party struggle against numerous distortions, attacks "on the right" and "left" on the Leninist line in matters of economic and political construction, she confidently led the work on the economic revival of the city And the province.