The production of peaceful products begins at the weapons and cartridge factories, the local industry revives, the Kashirskaya power station is put into operation, and the blast furnace at the Dubensk Ironworks is put into operation.
In this optimistic, fighting mood, a tragic note was brought by the news of the death of the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. But a grievous grief could not knock out the proletariat and its party from the saddle. Party ranks at that time were replenished by thousands of Tula - workers, peasants.
Increasingly, a truly communist attitude towards work was manifested. Tula armourers in 1924 were the initiators of the movement for increasing the norms of production and increasing labor productivity. Waves of an initiative, rolling around the whole country, seized labor collectives of Izhevsk and Baku people, workers of Taganrog and Rostov-on-Don, and many other cities of the young Soviet country.
In 1925 all the enterprises of the province and its center were restored. In 1926, the industry of Tula reached the pre-war level, and in the production of a number of products it surpassed it. In 1929 the leading Party, Soviet, trade union, Komsomol organs of Tula addressed the working people in their address to the working people: to make the competition "really the plan and method of our work". Mass development was shocked.
In the third and decisive year of the First Five-Year Plan (1931), the Tula people became the initiators of the All-Union competition. From the pages of the central press, an appeal was made to all workers and collective farmers in the country about the early fulfillment of the five-year plan. The first five-year plan of Tula was completed in 4 years and 3 months. The weapons factory was reconstructed, the third blast furnace was put into operation at the Kosogorsk metallurgical plant, the Novotul Metallurgical Plant was started to be built. There appeared dozens of new products, developed by the industry of Tula. The industry of the whole province increased threefold.
The Second Five-Year Plan gave a new form of competition: the Stakhanov movement. At the enterprises there were Stakhanov schools on the study of advanced methods of labor. In these years, the chemical plant in Bobriki (now Novomoskovsk), the Novotul Metallurgical Combine, the rubber plant in Efremov are being put into operation. And this five-year plan was completed by the Tula representatives ahead of schedule. Industry of the region has increased 3.5 times, and in comparison with 1913 - 10.6 times.
Speaking from the rostrum of the 18th Party Congress, which approved the third five-year plan, the first secretary of the Tula Regional Party Committee, V. G. Zhavoronkov, said: "Tula, in the past, before the revolution, samovar, artisanal, with a low level of agricultural development, turned into a field of metal, coal , Into a region that produces a lot of electricity. "